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“Casa Alessia” Concert in Granarolo (BO)

Strong is the friendship with the association "Casa Alessia".

This year I will play in the theater of Granarolo (BO) together with the Band, the soprano Rosa Sorice and the Sand Artist Paola Saracini.

The show will have the technical supervision of Francesco Concetti of Fabbrika Kreativa.

I’ll tell you briefly the story of Alessia, because I was really touched.

Alessia Mairati is a girl from Novara who left for a student exchange for Ecuador with a big dream in her heart: to help poor and needy children.

On June 10, 2004, the father was informed by phone that Alessia had an allergy problem and was hospitalized in Quito. The parents decide to leave immediately for Ecuador. Entering the hospital, they find Alessia in the resuscitation room: she does not see, does not hear, does not move, does not speak. The doctors say that she suffered an anaphylactic shock: she was in a coma. But she manages to get out of it and fortunately she is out of danger. Alessia says she saw, during the coma, a yellow light and she felt an incredible sense of well-being. She also remembers people with long blond hair praying next to her. She says her great-grandmother talked to her and warned her that that wasn’t her moment and that she had to go back.

In addition to these "visions", he also tells details. In the "dream" he had the vision of his funeral: it was a cheerful function and people clapped their hands. He remembers having seen several coffins and having commented: «...and you mom were not there».

On 28 June 2004 his father returned to Italy for work and to organize the return of Alessia, who at that time was still in the hospital treated by her mother Paola, via an air ambulance flight.

Il 2 luglio l’aereo parte da Quito, e fa scalo tecnico a Panama. Terminate le operazioni necessarie, il velivolo riparte alla volta dell’Italia, ma durante il decollo, ha un incidente e si schianta contro un hangar. Muoiono sette persone, tra le quali Alessia e Paola.

I wanted to tell you the story of Alessia because I was extremely touched by it.

The most beautiful thing is that around Alessia’s father there are special people who want to carry out important projects in his name. Among these special people is Fabrizio Nasci, who also this year thought to invite us and we are honored.



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